Commercial Realty Advisors Northwest LLC

Retail Brokerage & Tenant Representation503.274.0211

Lighthouse Square

Lighthouse Square

Prime Location in Lincoln City
Status:For Lease
Location: Lincoln City, OR


  • 1,200 SF
  • 5,000 SF
  • 12,500 SF
  • 31,067

  • Part of the major shopping and entertainment hub for the central coast.
  • Great visibility and access from high-traffic Hwy 101.
  • Abundant parking.
  • Anchored by Grocery Outlet, Dollar Tree and McMenamins Lighthouse Brewpub.
  • Nearby retailers include Safeway, Rite Aid, JoAnn Fabrics, Walgreens, Pig ‘N Pancake, McDonald’s as well as neighboring Chinook Winds Casino.
  • 32,000 visitors from all over the world during weekends and summer months.
  • Excellent highway exposure for storefront signage.